LETTER: Lefties are people, too

To the editor:

In response to the letters to the editor dealing with homosexuals, I feel that the left-handed community has been seen as just a petty joke. Well I’ll be damned if I just sit back and let my left-handed brothers and sisters be mocked by straights and gays alike. For too long, my people have been oppressed by right handed scissors and wedding rings. The “right” mind set has been implanted into our brains from the day we were born. All you need to look at is how society seems to do everything on the right; everywhere from driving to political theory, especially in Utah. To bring religion back into the arena, you even have to take sacrament with your right hand. Is it just me, or is the LDS church implying that right-handed people are superior? Not to mention, we shake with our right hands and when something is correct, it is “right.” Well, I am not going to take this any more! People of the left-handed orientation have contributed as much, if not more than the “rights.” For example, Albert Einstein and Picasso were left handed, and we all know they are pretty much the greatest people who ever walked the face of the Earth. According to John Hopkins University, left-handed college graduates make 15 percent more than right handed persons, mainly because they are usually smarter. In order to get the respect and appreciation we deserve, I suggest that on Monday, April 23, we have a campus-wide “Day of Silence” in order to show the “rights” we are a force to be reckoned with. The silence will begin at 8 a.m. and last until 3 p.m., by which time we will have succeeded in gaining what is “leftfully” ours. Until that time comes, stay true to the struggle and fight, fight, fight!

Kasey Killion