LETTER: Let the ads run


The Statesman is the only newspaper on campus and should be able to display ads for a variety of businesses in the city — businesses that are of interest to both the majority and minority of students.

Apparently, certain ads of late are offensive to the aforementioned majority of students. I think it is time for an alternate newspaper on campus. The majority, displaying its power and numbers, should distribute their own private newspaper sponsored by the one institution on campus that is devoted to the majority.

It could be distributed for free, it would need only one page, not very wide, because it would have only one opinion and a very narrow point of view. I’m sure there are at least 22 students of the minority who would agree with me. These students may also be interested to know that Logan now has an alternative cinema. The Logan Art Cinema is located at 800 N. Main St.

Kathryn Pannell