LETTER: Libraries are for quiet studying

Dear Editor,

I am writing in regards to all the rude and noisy people who have been occupying the third floor of the Sci-Tech Library lately. I had the impression the west side of the second and third floors was supposed to be quiet study areas. However, this is not what I’ve been experiencing.

The other day I was trying to study, but could not due to the fact that three disrespectful girls were conversing amongst themselves. They were not whispering as one should in a library, but were speaking as if they were in the hall of their high school. The topics they discussed didn’t even involve anything education-related (unless there’s a course on gossip and dating that I am unaware of).

This is not the first time I have had this problem. I have heard other people complain about the noise also. Students should be more mature and respectful. This is a university. People here use the libraries for studying. Conversing in tones that are above a whisper makes it difficult for others to concentrate on their studies, and infringes on their rights.

If you need to have a discussion of any kind, there are study rooms available. You can sign up for them downstairs at the front desk. I pay good money to go to school here and know others do also. I would appreciate it if everybody could please keep the noise down.

Trevor Brooks