LETTER: Logo debate is waste of money, breath

To the editor:
    Are you kidding?
    As if the university doesn’t already waste enough money on employees that do nothing and the like, now they want to propose spending thousands of dollars (which are nowhere to be found) to “unify” the university’s image and use the A?
    To say that people can’t connect the dots to understand that both symbols represent the university is to offend our intelligence. Then again, anyone who can’t make that connection wouldn’t qualify to attend USU in the first place anyway, so if anything we should look at it as a helpful tool to weed out the idiots in the admissions process.
    The A is something you don’t see out of Utah/Southern Idaho, and I would know – I’m from Ohio, I didn’t see it until I actually entered Cache Valley for my college visit my senior year of high school. The U is far more recognizable nationally as the symbol for the school, period. Anyone who says that the U isn’t totally unique is right … but then again, neither is the A. Look up the A’s from Arizona, Akron, Alabama and a bunch of others. They are the same design.  Someone forgot to do their homework.
    Cry me a river. What a stupid time for a stupid idea. Keep them both.
Jared Honda