LETTER: Long-distance dating hard


To those Aggies out there who are involved in long-distance relationships, I have a few things to say in your behalf.

First of all, I myself am in your shoes, so I understand some of what you’re dealing with. Your situation isn’t easy and those who haven’t experienced this won’t know what you are going through. People involved in normal relationships have the luxury of seeing their significant other on a more convenient basis. You, however, have learned to value and cherish every second that you see or talk to each other, more than otherwise.

If you feel that it is worth your time and energy, hang in there. If it doesn’t break you, it will only make you stronger. Times will be tough and it may hurt to think about the person because of the constant hello and goodbye that you go through on weekends, but good things come to those who wait. Just think, at least you have the luxuries of calling, e-mailing or even text messaging them. If he/she is really worth it, don’t throw down the towel, your reward could be bigger for sticking it out.

Jeremy Thorne