LETTER: Make student fees fair


The Sept. 27 issue of The Statesman included a breakdown of student fees, however it failed to explain the end uses of the student fees.

Since all full-time students must pay these fees, we have a right to know how they are spent. If the fees we pay are not furthering the academic mission of this university in an efficient manner, students must hold the Student Fee Board accountable for their misappropriation of funds.

Some questions about fees need to be answered publicly by the university administration, for starters: What does my $49.25 athletics fee fund? Am I basically buying a season ticket to USU sporting events? Does this further the academic mission of the school? Why do you not instead sell tickets to students who wish to attend games at a discount? What other methods are in place to funnel money toward the subsidization of a non-profitable athletics program? Why do off-campus students pay $28.50 in housing fees to subsidize over-priced on campus housing? Why do students with private insurance pay $26 in health fees to subsidize health care of other students? Why are students paying $21 for a stadium?

Student fees should be implemented if and only if the educational value they provide to the student exceeds what is otherwise available for a similar investment. Other programs needing funding (athletics, health, recreation, shuttle, housing, outdoor recreation, etc.) should procure their funding directly from the consumers of their services, and if they can’t then the service was clearly not worthwhile.

If the administration can’t or doesn’t provide adequate reasons for charging us this extra $255 every term, then I suggest you withhold payment of your fees next term until they do.

Brandon Delk