LETTER: Morals don’t equal bigotry


There is currently a big secularist movement going on in the United States. These people are trying to take away the traditional moral standards of this country by using political correctness. One of the most prevalent areas is the issue regarding homosexuality. I know many of us are getting tired of having an article on this every day. However, this article is about more than homosexuality, it is about morality in general. I cannot tolerate any form of immorality, including masturbation, pornography, fornication and homosexuality.

All of these acts lead to a decline of morality within society, and when a society becomes corrupt, it is destroyed. But there is a difference between tolerating someone and not being able to tolerate what they do. You can hate the sin but love the sinner. The fall of Rome was not because it lost its diversity, but because it lost its morality. By saying your are a bigot if you speak out against homosexuality is just one of the tools the secularists use to keep people with morals from speaking out. It is also a form of censorship. Standing up for your morals does not make you bigot, it means you have principles that are not based on pop culture.

In the past, I have hired homosexuals and would do so in the future if they are the best candidate for the job. But I am not going to think that their life style is right or that it doesn’t affect our society in a negative way. I will always try to live a moral life and encourage others to do the same. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” If the people of this country that have morals allow the secularist to brow beat us into accepting immorality it will lead either to our captivity or our destruction.

Vaughn Poulson