LETTER: Mullet wearer is natural leader


What is a leader? One who stands up for their beliefs in word and deed; one who rises above all odds to lead the way in fighting for their cause; one who has the courage to cut their hair in a socially unacceptable way and sport it with an ounce of shame. Yes, that’s right, I believe those brave enough to have a mullet deserve nothing but our admiration and respect.

With the “ape-drape” being the joke of the decade, it takes real guts to have the courage to wear such a publicly scrutinized haircut. In today’s society, the weak mullet won’t survive – only the strong live to wear their hair however they dang well please and be proud of it. In the harsh world of fashion criticism, those who withstand the pressure to cut, cut, cut posses an amazing strength and inner conviction lost on many of us fashion-conscious bystanders. They know they are challenging the norm; they are among the few possessing the ability to withstand the blows of orthodoxy. Aren’t these the qualities we look for in leaders: dedication, persistence, and pride? For these reasons, I can’t think of a better leader for our struggling football team than a valiant mullet. While some believe we would benefit from the Kentucky Waterfall drying up, I can’t foresee a more tragic scenario. If we are doing so poorly, even with the mullet, think how much worse off we would be without it.

How could a coach inspire his athletes to never give up if he gave up on his own mullet? If there is anything in the mullet codebook, it isn’t to quit in the face of opposition. Nay, it says live the mullet way of life in thought, deed and haircut. How could our football team continue without this living, walking example of how to prevail in the face of your foes? Asking this crusader to chop his locks would be a death sentence for our team.

Long live Aggie football! And long live the mullet! May the both make an amazing comeback.

Karla Petty