LETTER: My gratitude


My husband was a student at USU. His name was John Wayment. He recently died.

I wanted to write and publicly thank all of those who loved and worked with John. John had a disability that not many students as well as teachers were understanding of.

Finishing his education was the most important thing to John and he worked diligently at obtaining his goal, even in the face of opposition. The Disability Resource Center in this school has the most wonderful caring staff. They even came to his funeral. John was a graphics art major and often spoke of Professor Hashimoto, and graduate student and friend Michael Kapul. These are people who could look past his disability and were able to get to know him and were willing to work with his limitations.

John was active in trying to inform the school and the teachers of his disability that you could not see just by looking at him. Please don’t judge people by their appearance. I just want you all to be grateful for what you have, while you have it, because you never know when it will be gone. I will always have fond memories of USU because of the man my husband was. I hope you all reach his dream of graduation.

Alyssa Wayment