LETTER: New shirts would be good


The debate of new game-day shirts seems to be emerging as a touchy subject at USU. There are certainly many students who appreciate the shirt and wish that they be given no new design. Several of these voices claim that the game-day shirt should not be changed because of “tradition,” as if tradition itself was enough reason to discourage improvement. May I contend against these voices with the assertion that there are greater things in this world than mere tradition; one of such things is good design.

It is no crime to appreciate the beauty and camaraderie associated with the present game-day shirts. They are truly a symbol of the loyalty and unity demonstrated by our students and fans. Yet, there is something to be said about taking that which is wonderful and bringing it a little closer to perfection.

Fear or change never did anybody any good. All of the technology, science, art, music and literature that make this country great came from great improvements made on already great advancements. It all came from an unwillingness to be satisfied with what was already had. Let us not be satisfied with what we have. Let us not fear the opportunity to change.

Besides, there is such a thing as new traditions. The Big West was a tradition, and we are willing to abandon that tradition for something better. As we make our triumphant arrival in to the WAC next year, now is as good a time as any for new game-day shirts. The days of second-place conference finishes and second-rate shirt designs must be replaced with firsts.

I am confident the new shirts will be a drastic visual improvement on the current design. After all, Aggie fans deserve no less. I am also confident that the new shirts will prove a great marketing success because of the incredible love, loyalty and unity Aggie fans have for their team and for each other. Indeed, from Aggie fans, we can expect no less.

Michael B. Alley