LETTER: No guns in my classroom, please
To the editor:
I’m as fervent a supporter of constitutional rights as the next guy. All of them, not just the rights I really like (free expression, for example, or suffrage). But I want my students to know that if they are packing heat in my class or in my office, I will have to ask them to leave for the safety and peace of mind of my students and, especially, me. Even if ideas are more dangerous than guns, as Stalin said, firearms have no place in classrooms. No spears, either. Or machetes, dart-guns, bazookas or grenade-launchers.
The Constitution protects citizen rights to bear arms, and the state of Utah says you can tote your handguns on campus. Fine. Let your state senator teach my classes, because if you need a gun to “protect” yourself in my class, I’m outta there.
Ted Pease