LETTER: Offense a matter of perspective

Mark Vuong

To the editor:

Comments, whether they are racist, teasing or any of the sort, are seen from different perspectives. Depending on the person’s personality, it will determine which perspective the comment is seen from. An error many people make is they only note their perspective and no one else’s. Of course, this doesn’t apply to everyone, but a good number, to say the least. Some people will see a matter in the same light while others see it in a different light. A prime example of this is from my own personal experience. My friend and I would be hanging out. I would do something comical that makes the both of us laugh. In our mid-laughter my friend will snort out a comment along the lines of, “You’re such a dumb-ass.” For my friend, his comment wasn’t meant to be demeaning, but in my mind it was. David Baker’s comment, “sneak up on those bastards,” may have meant nothing but empty words to him. But for others it was full of racism. Comments such as those may hurt some while for others it means nothing. The variable at hand here is personality. I believe the best that anyone can do is try to be courteous and respectful to all. Not everyone is seeing it from your perspective.

Mark Vuong