LETTER: Parking isn’t serving


If Parking Services truly is a service, then why are they allowing such a disservice to be done to our beautiful campus?

Every Sunday, piles of cars can be seen turning the lawn in front of the Alumni building into an off-road mud pit. I shudder at the thought that our hard-earned tuition money will most likely be used to repair the lawn, ground work and sprinkler systems — all because someone did not want to park a little further off and walk to the LDS Institute.

No doubt there is a parking issue on campus. This is true of ALL campuses, but there is plenty of parking located just south of Old Main or at the terrace on Sundays, and if I recall my Utah History class, Mormons should have no problems with walking great distances.

Since the point of this article is to find a solution, here are some ideas: The LDS Institute could hold a special fireside on the respect of public property, or make the destruction of public property a deadly sin that requires confession and extra tithing to pay for the damage.

I realize that some students who want to attend LDS Institute services do have a reverence for the grounds, but for those of you who don’t, have some respect. And DON’T TREAD ON MY UNIVERSITY!

Chad Wasden