LETTER: Pet humor not funny

Dear Editor,

Bryce Casselman’s March 23 column, an alarming admission of animal neglect couched in tasteless humor, was offensive and inappropriate for publication in your paper. His laundry list of pets that were killed as a result of his disregard for their safety and well-being is not, as he states, a result of his failure to have “a good strong relationship with one of our four-legged friends.”

Casselman asks animal lovers to not “judge him so harshly,” but anyone who respects any kind of life would recognize the ignorance of that statement and should, in fact, judge him harshly for treating his animals so poorly. Pet ownership is a serious responsibility that is all too often treated with cavalier indifference. Using the sad results of this indifference as humor sends a message that the behavior is acceptable. It is not only unacceptable, it is wrong.

It is my sincere hope that Casselman’s college education includes at least some instruction in ethics and that he never again attempts pet ownership. Furthermore, perhaps the Statesman should learn to differentiate between a person’s right to say whatever they wish and a newspaper’s responsibility to use good judgment in deciding whether to print it.

Nicole McCoy

Assistant Professor

Natural Resource Economics