LETTER: Physical Plant is top notch

Dear Editor,

I have worked at Physical Plant for nine years and have found the very opposite of what some letters to the editor portray to be true. We have received numerous awards from various higher education associations and private industry for our excellence in how we go about maintaining this campus. In fact, a recent survey given to students asking why they selected USU as the provider for their college education found the beauty and cleanliness of the campus was one of the most important deciding factors. Physical Plant at USU is looked to by other colleges and universities as a benchmark for how to provide the service of maintaining the grounds and buildings found on campuses. The staff at Physical Plant is highly trained and motivated to be the best it can be. I have visited numerous campuses across the United States and have come to realize that USU is very fortunate to have a Physical Plant department that is in fact, the most professional, customer-oriented operation that I have ever seen. I have always been very proud to be an employee of Physical Plant and a negative letter written by an obviously disgruntled, former part-time employee isn’t going to change my mind.

David Petersen