LETTER: Planned Parenthood coordinator responds

Dear Editor,

Did I miss something? In the Feb. 26 letter to the editor, “Move over Joe Camel, there’s a new monster in town?” The writers tried to compare cigarettes to condoms. Such a comparison is folly at best and dangerous at worst.

Cigarette smoking carries with it the warning of potential harm; condoms help prevent the spread of serious infections like HIV. If, as the writers suggest, Planned Parenthood is “enticing” young people, what exactly are they enticing young people to do if not to become better educated to prevent infection and unintended pregnancy?

Planned Parenthood provides emergency contraception and counseling when condoms break or fail. It does not judge or condemn the situations of clients who often go there because they feel they have nowhere else to turn.

Joe Camel was a cartoon used to sell cigarettes; Planned Parenthood is a vital member of the community providing health care and educational services.

Thanks to the “Joe Camel” letter to the editor, Planned Parenthood received free advertising for a promotional campaign even the writers viewed as “attractive” and “inviting.” The secret is out. Sexuality is a normal and important part of the human experience. People have the right to be sexually active, make informed decisions and have access to condoms, birth control methods and abortion. People who would deny us, both young and old, this fundamental information are the real monsters.

Clayton Vetter

Education Coordinator

Planned Parenthood Association of Utah