LETTER: Planned Parenthood has its place

Dear Editor,

Claude Bernard once said, “It is what we think we know already that often prevents us from learning.” The lack of tolerance which is present on occasion here at Utah State is difficult to understand. Our differences are to be celebrated – they serve as a way to educate others and to teach tolerance and acceptance, not to serve as grounds to belittle one another. The attack on Planned Parenthood in Monday’s opinion page is another classic example of the lack of understanding and prejudice some people in this community have toward things they may not totally agree with. Planned Parenthood is not an organization that promotes hedonism, nor is it attempting to infiltrate our campus and draw the susceptible into the clutches of immorality. To make such a statement is absurd. Planned Parenthood was created for the purpose of educating citizens about careful family planning. Along with providing straight talk concerning sex and contraceptives, they also provide a wonderful counseling service and a network of support groups for those who are trying to become pregnant, as well as those coping with unexpected pregnancy. The ad promoting the use of condoms was not submitted with the intention of corrupting the virginal, but to educate and safeguard those who would participate in sexual activity. Comparing their institution to the big tobacco companies is an insult to the many people they have helped and will continue to help in the future. The level of extremism in the prejudice that has been shown here on campus in the past month is alarming. When did we come to the conclusion that it was justifiable to impose beliefs and values on other individuals? The differences between us may never allow everyone to see eye to eye on all issues, but please, for the sake of higher learning, let us put away the indignation and self-righteousness on both sides. Ignorance may be bliss to some, but I’ll take tolerance and understanding any day.

Tiffany Ensign