LETTER: Please fix WebMail, fast


Utah State University has been blinded by joys of the success its men’s Basketball team. There are people involved in debating about the same-sex marriages. There are lots of other important things that are going around at USU.

But for me, WebMail seems to be a real problem. I am really frustrated with the service they provide for WebMail. For more than a month, WebMail has been in “Maintenance Mode”. It takes ages to login and check your mail. Worst of all it doesn’t even login sometimes. I work in a computer lab. So I get to hear the frustration of other people too about their WebMail being too slow or not working. Can someone please tell me what is happening with WebMail.

There are a lot more students now then there were before. I know everyone uses WebMail now. Why can’t we get a better server then or let it out for somebody else to do a better job. Every semester the tuition fees seems to be going up, and I am not happy that I am getting the service for the fees I am paying. The QUAD seems to be down just when we need to register. WebMail does not work. This is all due to the fact that there are too many students on the server.

Can the people who are in charge of this please do something to rectify this situation? It’s getting to be frustrating every day.

Veera Sadayappan