LETTER: Polygamy as a sex preference


I am curious about something. There was a letter to the editor that discussed why President Bush is against marriage to someone of the same sex. I would like to know, since I am from Utah and I have heard all of the statements about Utah’s past, if it should be legal for a person to marry someone of the same sex, then why is it so wrong for someone to marry more than one person? Now don’t get me wrong, I love my wife more than life itself, and it would kill me not to be with her. So, I see the reasoning behind the fact that you would want to be with someone forever. However, there are people that love more than one person the same amount, but government will not allow it. They were even sought out and brought to justice in the past.

Society itself also feels that this is wrong. These people are being discriminated against. But why is it that one is wrong and the other should be allowed. Why should we make them choose among three or four people? All of the arguments involved in allowing a man to marry another man, or a woman to marry another woman, are also involved in plural marriages. In fact, there is more evidence (in the wild) that it is natural for a male to have more than one female partner, than there is supporting it being natural for two people with the same equipment getting together.

I’m sure I will get a lot of criticism about this. I just don’t understand why one is looked down on, and even made fun of by society, but the other is fought over now and is even legal in some states. If you are going to fight for one, then it should be logical to fight for the other. I personally feel that President Bush is right and that neither one should be allowed now.

Scot Stacey