LETTER: Pornography not harmless


To the editor:

I want to address the editor and all USU students, especially those who read Liz Emery’s opinion column last Thursday. I don’t want to bash, but as president of the USU Chapter of Fight the New Drug, I must set the record straight.
Fight the New Drug is a non-profit organization that is simply out to help people understand the dangers of pornography. We don’t condemn people who view it, we only warn that it has powerful scientifically-proven addictive effects. We want people to make a smart decision when it comes to pornography.
We are not religiously affiliated in any way, nor are we politically oriented. We focus on science and education. We use science to educate others that viewing pornography can be a way to avoid dealing with the realities of life and become a life-altering addiction. It won’t become a problem for everyone, but why risk it?
I hope this clears things up. Go to fightthenewdrug.org to find out the facts about our group and about pornography.
Questions? email us at usuchapter@fightthenewdrug.org. Thanks to all those who came to our Fight Night on Friday! It was awesome!

Jacob McBride