LETTER: Re-evaluate Olympic break

Dear Editor,

No matter in these times is more pressing than safety and well being. The upcoming Winter Olympics present a potential opportunity for terrorist attacks which may affect not only those in Salt Lake City and on the Wasatch Front, but residents of Cache Valley and throughout Utah as well.

Some precautions to ensure safety have already been taken. But the matter is becoming serious, and it’s time to re-evaluate the academic schedule for Spring 2002. There are many ways to adjust the spring program to maximize well being without jeopardizing the mission of the university, and at the same time, allow faculty and students to take their own individual measures without suffering the consequences of missed classes. Students, faculty and the administration are urged to give this matter the serious consideration it deserves.

Some suggestions include extending and shifting Spring Break to coincide with the Olympic schedule and adding a week of classes either at the beginning or the end of the semester. Instructors may also offer the option of temporary independent studies for students who do not wish to be present. Other suggestions are encouraged.

Richard J. Ralls