LETTER: Remember–This is a war on terrorism


One of the most enduring arguments against the impending war with Iraq is that it is all about oil. This argument however, loses its credibility when you consider that we already have Iraqi oil.

As recently as Jan. 27, the United States actually increased Iraqi oil imports from half a million barrels per day to 1 million barrels per day.

This of course begs the question: Why on earth would we send troops to fight for oil that Iraq is already willing to sell, even while the United States is engaging in brinkmanship? Clearly some other motive must be present.

Another argument against the war on terrorism is the illumination of U.S. dualism in its foreign policy toward another member of the “axis of evil” North Korea. Though North Korea has nuclear weapons it poses little threat. Despite its recent belligerence, Korea will not attack the United States for the same reason the former USSR wouldn’t: No country wants to engage the United States in a conventional war.

Terrorism however, is the way around conventional war with America and is in fact Iraq’s delivery system for its weapons of mass destruction. While there may or may not be sufficient evidence to indict al-Qaida, one thing is certain.

Iraq supports terrorism. The 707 fuselage not far out of Baghdad used for terrorist training is proof of that. Does it really matter if a weapon of mass destruction is put in the hands of an al-Qaida agent or any other terrorist agent?

This is a war on terrorism, NOT a war on al-Qaida or Bin Laden. Peace is something everybody wants, even George Bush, but our disagreement arises in how we can achieve this peace.

Do we fight now, or do we wait till the price has been raised by the blood of more people like those on Sept. 11? Peace at any cost only ensures it will come at the highest cost.

Thomas Jefferson said, “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Let us make no mistake. Saddam Hussein is a tyrant; and let’s just be grateful we have thousands of young men and women willing to spill their own blood for your liberty and mine.

Jared Wolfe