LETTER: Respect Cemeteries

Dear Editor,

I just love spring. The weather gets nicer, you can go to class without a jacket, and people are getting out to play Frisbee, football, etc.

However, I saw something on March 26th that just appalled me. I was on the campus loop bus so I could go home. As we passed by the cemetery on 1200 East and 1000 North I saw a group of students playing catch with a football on the grassy area on the east side of the cemetery.

I thought people had more respect than that. Where were they raised to think a cemetery was a proper place to play football? I think there are plenty of places they could have played. We have a big campus with lots of open areas suitable for such activities. A cemetery is a place to respect and revere our ancestors. It is not a playground.

Eric R. Whittekiend