LETTER: Respect the office of the president


I believe it is important to have present in society those whom the average person would label extremist. These people keep us aware of things we may otherwise forget. I appreciate Jim Steitz and his passion for the environment; however, he has gone too far. In the days following the 9-11 tragedy, Jim wrote an article suggesting President Bush knew of the attacks and allowed them to happen in order to divert attention from oil drilling in Alaska. Such accusations are inappropriate and dangerous. 

In a recent article, Jim suggested that a war with Iraq is a “right-wing policy takeover that closely resembles the secret-police states the terrorists call home.” The assertion that the president of the United States is a terrorist dictator is, at the least, reckless and irresponsible. The column also claims that the reasons for war with Iraq change to fit the situation. 

What the writer fails to see is that when different violations are mentioned it is because the new violation is just another to add to the laundry list. The article also said, “Bush & Co. have refused to take peace for an answer.” There have been 16 separate resolutions by the United Nations calling for disarmament and the prohibition of Saddam to import or manufacture any weapons.

That means if weapons or evidence of weapons is found, Iraq is in violation. Hans Blix, lead weapons inspector, has already published a report stating Saddam has imported weapons, and within the last week inspectors have found spent rocket casings. These are clear violations of what the world has said is unacceptable. How long do we allow Mr. Hussein to defy the world and mock the United Nations? 

It was also suggested that the CIA could not find a link between Iraq and al-Qaida. Top secret CIA information is not going to come via CNN. Rather, those cards will be played in front of the world on Jan. 27 when we make our case to the United Nations Security Council.

Perhaps the most disappointing accusation leveled is that “Bush skillfully created a standoff with North Korea.”

To accuse a president of the United States of America (Democrat or Republican) of taking us to the brink of nuclear war to satisfy a political agenda is to mock that sacred office and is a low blow of the most vile nature. President Bush did not create this standoff that is over five decades old. Korea has offered to stop their nuclear program if we give them $1 billion. President Clinton followed this policy and gave billions to Korea. Bush has recognized this as extortion and is taking steps to solve the problem long term. In the mean time that will require some patience and a firm stance. 

Beware of those who would degrade the office of president to terrorist dictator and nuclear brinksman. Policy should always be questioned and scrutinized. However, respect must be given to whoever is called president of the United States, you owe your allegiance.

Joe Barnard