LETTER: Respect Utah’s church diversity

Dear Editor,

I went to the Olympics last week and was amazed by many of the sights there. The big silk screen pictures on the buildings, the rings lit on the mountain and all of the Olympic pride that was being showcased in Salt Lake City.

There was one other sight I was amazed by, but not in a good way. Amongst all the pride and friendship being offered to people of other countries, there were a handful of people outside Temple Square with picket signs and protesting the fact that The Latter-day Saint religion even existed.

I realize there are people in Utah who aren’t “Mormon” and that the percentage of those who aren’t, grew a lot over the last 18 days.

The Mormon faith doesn’t teach people to judge those of other faiths, and if people from my faith are doing that they need to take a long look at themselves. I was watching The Simpsons the other day and they said something the LDS faith believes. I believe we “respect the diversity of other religions as long as they’re based on love and compassion.” (Richard Gere, as a Buddhist on Christians).

I’m not trying to start anything, I just don’t understand why some people feel it is necessary to stand where so many people will be walking and make sure everyone knows that “The Mormon Jesus is the devil’s brother,” or “Joseph Smith was a false prophet.”

If anyone feels this letter needs to be responded to then please address it to me, and not about my religion. It’s good, but some people in it aren’t, and maybe I’m one of them for writing this. I realize everyone is entitled to their free will, but I think there is so much more evil out there these people should be fighting, and they should leave good people alone. When nations who hate each other so much are willing to put aside bad feelings for two weeks, to “Light the fire within,” why do some people have to try to put it out?

Scot Stacey