LETTER: Save ‘Green Space’

Dear Editor,

I support resolution ECR 01-7, “Preservation of Campus Green Space.” Many students, administrators, professors and community members want to save the HPER Field for the students. However, there are those who want to put a building on the field because, “when you ask for private donations from people, they like to see their donations be as visible as possible.” (Jerry Giordano, dean of the College of Education as quoted in Monday’s Statesman.) If visibility is your objective, build the new CPD on the QUAD, it is the most recognized part of the entire campus. That should definitely please the donors. However, such a proposal is absurd; it strikes at the very heart of USU, as would building on the HPER Field. Should the decisions of the university be determined by pleasing potential donors, or should the interests of the students come first? We are fortunate to have a new president, Kermit Hall, who truly has the interests of the students at heart. I feel certain that such a leader will support this resolution. Please join me in supporting resolution ECR 01-7.

Brian Ricks