LETTER: Senior priority means nothing


I hate registration. I don’t know anyone who is not completely discouraged by it on a semi-annual basis. Obviously, there is the usual issue of an inadequate size server, giving you an ulcer trying to get on and if you do get on you can’t get to any pages before you’re given the “too full” message again. So you keep pressing “refresh,” trying desperately to get on before someone beats you to English 2010 again.

Even the old trick of waking up at exactly 7 a.m. is not a solution anymore. Apparently, people here are willing to get up at that hour, and I thought I’d be the only one desperate enough to go to those extreme lengths. This alone is frustrating.

The priority registration days are designed to help, but there are several flaws with this also. There is one problem in particular right now that is irritating me. You register by your previously earned credits. The ones you are taking right now don’t count. Which seems like a good enough plan until you realize this: As someone who will not have 90+ credits until this semester ends, I cannot use the senior registration day to register for the first semester of my senior year. This means the only time I will be able to take advantage of this early registration day is when I’m registering for my final semester. One semester, that’s it?

Sure, there is the possibility that I’ll fail this entire semester, and not get the credit, but how big of a risk is that really? Even if I fail out I’ll just be registering for the very same classes I’m currently in so let me register a day early and secure my second time around. To restate the real issue here, why is it that I can’t register during senior registration? I know I’m not the only one who’s brought this issue to the attention of the Registrar’s Office, so am I to infer that the administration realizes this situation and this is the way they intended it to be? And if so, why?

Christie Haslem