LETTER: Sex is sacred

Dear Editor,

Thank you for the letter to the editor in the March 2 issue of the Statesman. It completely clears up the issue of sexuality for me.

It is “a normal and important part of the human experience.”

Of course it’s “normal” – everyone is using and abusing it in our world today, and isn’t that the definition of “normal”?

But I question its “importance” when it is used for reasons other than the purpose it accomplishes.

wonder why sex is “important” when a guy simply can’t control his hormones and overcomes and rapes a helpless victim. I wonder why sex is “important” for people who simply think it is a fun thing to do and have intercourse with dozens, hundreds and thousands of partners, without regard to others’ emotions, family or health.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree that sex has an important, and believe me, enjoyable place in a marriage between a man and woman who have made a legal commitment to each other for the long run.

However, handing out free condoms to people who aren’t responsible enough to even go to Wal-Mart and purchase a box on their own?

Providing access to emergency contraception and abortion to people who do not have enough sense to either abstain or use the aforementioned protection?

I don’t doubt that these things are needed for the growing number of idiots in our society, but it is amusing to read about people who consider sex “normal and important” instead of special and sacred.

Kody Nelson