LETTER: Showing support on the road

To the editor:

This Saturday the Utah State men’s basketball team will travel to Reno, Nevada to play the 15th best team in college basketball. The Nevada Wolf pack have only lost 2 games all year, and are arguably the best team Nevada has seen in over 20 years. Needless to say, our Aggies are severe underdogs. It is roughly a 9 hour drive to Reno from Logan with nothing to look at but the sage brush of Winnemucca and nothing to look forward upon arriving except a probable loss at the hands of the mighty Wolf Pack. However there is one group of fans who are on their way to Reno as you read these words. Who would make this trip you ask? No, not Dru Brown, not even his accomplice Virginia Todd. A good portion of the “jeerers” sitting in row 1 section F will be in the Reno’s hostile Lawlor Arena cheering on the underhanded Aggies tomorrow night.

Yes the same fans who chant such profanities as “you suck” and “stupid” at the honored visiting team. The same fans who show up several hours before every home game to wait in the cold to see the Aggies play teams like Occidental College and CS Bakersfield. These disgraceful hellions will pile into their automobiles and drive a total of 18 hours, pay hundreds of dollars for gas, stay in a cheap motel, and face an angry, possibly intoxicated Nevada student section simply to show their support for the Aggies. Why do this for a 2 hour basketball game? Because that is who they are. They are loyal fans. They make the Spectrum what it is, and to say they are degrading our fan base is laughable. I would challenge anyone who is offended by what takes place in the Spectrum to attend a basketball game out of the state, where students collectively chant various female body parts at their visiting teams. Or maybe there is a school a little further south that promotes such censorship, I’m sure their student body feels the same as Dru Brown on this topic. Go Aggies! Nevada sucks!

Adam Strong