LETTER: Snow must be cleared better

Dear Editor,

I find it ironic that the same day the Statesman runs an editorial about snow removal in Logan, it snows. Oddly enough, the editorial didn’t discuss snow removal on campus. USU is considered a “walking” campus, meaning students should be able to walk between all their classes and not have to resort to other means of transportation to get to class on time. This issue of snow removal greatly concerns me. I don’t know if anyone else noticed, but not one sidewalk on campus was cleared of snow all day Wednesday. Students were forced to slip and slide their way to class and hope they didn’t fall and break their necks. It is essential that the sidewalks are cleared. I don’t know where the grounds people were all day, but they certainly weren’t out doing their job, making the campus sidewalks safe for students. I should be able to walk to my classes or work without worrying if I will make it there in one piece. It is shameful that we students were forced to endure these kinds of hazardous conditions.

Crystal Makin