LETTER: Snow removal crews have not done a great job

Dear Editor,

I have to agree , this year the grounds crew has done a terrible job of clearing snow on sidewalks as well as in the parking lots.

After reading in the police blotter about how many people slipped and injured themselves, I hope the grounds crew will wake up and do better. Portions of Old Main Hill have been so slippery that the sidewalks couldn’t even be used.

I don’t believe that the grounds crew is all to blame. All of Physical Plant needs to be improved. Having been a former employee of Physical Plant, I feel certain that many improvements could be made.

The amount of time wasted by the employees of Physical Plant is amazing. The image of the employees needs improvement, too.

The university requires a certain level of professionalism in all other departments on campus. Physical Plant, however, seems to have been overlooked. They are discourteous to students as well as other campus departments. It seems like they view themselves as being separate from the rest of the university.

If the Physical Plant employees aren’t satisfied with their jobs, they shouldn’t let it show in the work they do. I suggest that they wake up to reality and get to work making the campus a nice place to work and go to school.

We pay enough to come here. We deserve to have a safe, if not pleasing, campus.

Clifton Smith