LETTER: Speak for yourself


My, what a tough statement by Mr. Brockbrader, that Mr. Mema, an Albanian who spoke out against “Our Little War,” should go home. That comment makes me wonder if the U.S. Navy instilled in him manners and respect for people whose opinions differ from his, be they American citizens or not.

But what about me, one of Mr. Brockbrader’s fellow citizens? Where should I go, given that I feel this war is one of the most idiotic exercises this nation has undertaken in recent history? Perhaps there should be uniquely American Gulags for people like me; you know, modeled on the kind the Soviets had for citizens who disagreed with right-minded individuals.

I have two sons – 20 and 18 – and no desire as their father to see them off to some war with objectives as silly as those I’ve heard from Bush administration officials. Brockbrader says this war is for our children, but it isn’t for mine. How dare he presume to speak for me and my sons?

P.S. Mr. Brockbrader can always re-enlist, given his keenness on war. Something about putting your money where your mouth is comes to mind.

Thomas C. Edwards, Jr.Associate Professor Forest, Range and Wildlife Sciences