LETTER: Staff view is disappointing

To the editor:

    I was 16 when I decided I’d be going to USU. I didn’t even apply anywhere else. I came for the mountains, downtown Logan and the excellent programs on campus. But especially, I was attracted to USU because the people here are exceptionally decent. I went to high school in Utah Valley where divisiveness over political leanings, religion, and school pride would occasionally reach volatile levels. Here, it seemed, people were above all that.

    That’s why I was disappointed in the Statesman’s staff column, Our View, which last week made statements like “Burn that BYU T-shirt. If you don’t, then you can’t complain about what may or may not happen to you.” That’s the kind of language you expect to hear at some violent hazing event, not at the university’s own newspaper. Voicing or writing threatening or abusive language is not acting like Aggies. It’s acting like bullies.

Katie Davis Henderson