LETTER: Students shoe concerns

Dear Editor,

As the representative of the Tooele USU Campus I have had some concerns about representation. I came into the position a little late. I was voted in over the summer and didn’t participate in any summer meetings.

I was not contacted about any meetings or given any information until the retreat in September. That retreat was a waste of time. I traveled to Bear Lake to do nothing more than sit around and eat. Nothing got accomplished from where I stood. Therefore, I was in the dark as to the duties I was expected to carry out.

I received a few e-mails from Tad, but nothing that was pertinent to my position. I am still wondering as to the duties of a representative. I believe this information should have come. I never felt my needs and especially the needs of the students in Tooele were ever a concern, and they weren’t being related to the Council.

The Tooele students and myself feel we need representation, and we need to have a position that serves on the Council. All the sites together make up a large population of students, and our voices need to be heard in Logan.

Tracey Gibson