LETTER: Thanks from Cardell’s mom


At my last visit at Utah State, I was overwhelmed by the love and support that everyone had for my son, Cardell [Butler]. I came home with a pride that my son has accomplished so much in such a short time for himself and felt that I needed to say thank you to so many. So here I go.

In the past three years my son has matured greatly – personally, emotionally, educationally and also athletically. He did not do this alone. I would like to thank and acknowledge as many as possible for their part in keeping Cardell focused, counseling him, teaching him, scolding him, praising him and allowing him to grow into the man I knew he wanted to be.

To the administrating staff at Utah State, I would like to thank you for all your efforts to keep Cardell as focused in class as possible (even when he didn’t want to). Thanks to the parents, who were there to talk to him and counseled him when he had those hard times.

To the coaching staff of Utah State – wow! Thank you for giving my son the opportunity to play and prove to himself the sky’s the limit. To the media, you have been so good to my son and the team in its entirety. A special thank you to The Utah Statesmen and The Liberty, for the stories you wrote and writing the actual truth.

And last but not least, to the fans, I have never felt the way I did on Feb. 21. The love that you have made me just speechless, and in my heart, when I walked out on the floor with my son all I wanted to say was, “Thank you.” And one more special thank you to all the mothers who stood in my absence, thank you for your prayers, scoldings, teachings, and tears only a mother can share (especially Sharon). Thank you.

Rosaria Harris