LETTER: The phone works


My family and I live in little Aggie Village. Not the most glamorous place, but it’s fine for us. It has everything we need and a few things we could do without.

For the second time in two months my wife and 2-year-old son have had the unpleasant experience of maintenance people walking in on them. The first time my wife was in the shower and couldn’t get to the door. But when the knocking kept getting harder and harder she hurried out, only to find our little boy hiding under a blanket, more scared than he’s ever been before. Just as she got to him, the door opened and maintenance came walking in.

That time it was inspection day, so even though we didn’t appreciate them just walking in, we chalked it up an unfortunate experience and didn’t do anything about it.

Then today happened. My wife had no idea anyone was coming. So, when there was a knock at the door and she was not able to get to it, she just ignored it. Suddenly, the locked door opens up and a maintenance guy yells inside. My wife, scared to death, asks him to come back later. So he leaves.

What if she had been in the shower again? Can you imagine the fear that would have been inflicted on our little boy to have a stranger walk in when he’s all by himself? What about my wife? What would go through your mind if you hear someone enter your house into a room where your child is all alone, and you’re in no position to do anything about it? Even if your child was safe somewhere else, how would you react to a strange male voice inside your house when you’re in a position where your only defense is a soap-on-a-rope?

Nowadays, the best solution would be to sue. But we don’t want to cause any trouble. All we want is some courtesy. A phone call would do.

Chad Mano