Letter to the editor

By Oscar A. Marquina



A letter to the editor,


            I am tired of my kids judging and complaining. Winter is far more than bone shattering cold, ice scraping frustration, gas bill inflation and winter sports. Winter exists to make you think twice if not all day. As you enjoy the desert for its thought provoking character, you should enjoy the Winter for its chill and quiet introspects.

            Don’t start attacking and then mocking me in the same day as if I nurtured you to add insult to injury. Saying the Blizzard of 2010 was weak, then joyous over a snow day and movie night. Cowardly attacking Winter from your heated and water flowing homes, while I choke on your fossil carcinogens, but never mind that you are not on trial, I am.

            Don’t say you weren’t genetically engineered to take the grey frost, even if you were adopted or grew up in Logan feeling down, I raised you to think through and overcome anything. I know you are all bastards, but Father Time was the closest person I gave you to a father figure and you don’t even pay attention to his eternal personality until he sounds the alarms.

            As much as you love above zero temperature, realize love doesn’t exist without respect. So fear my soul shivering atmosphere but most of all admire the new refrigerated climate which is able to keep fresh your spoiled nature. I am patient, strong and wise and expect no less of you.


            With Tough Love,

            Mother Nature