Old Main Opinion

Letter to the Editor: Aggies making a difference one cup at a time, take the pledge to eliminate single-use plastics

Continuous Improvement is a core value of Dining Services at Utah State University. As a part of this, USU Dining Services has actively worked with a class at USU to increase sustainability efforts. In the past, USU Dining Services has incorporated sustainable practices, such as composting food waste, promoting recycling, and offering meat-free meal options, into their operations on Logan’s main campus. This is great also because In 2007, USU President Albrecht signed the American College and University Presidents’ Climate Commitment and committed USU to being carbon neutral by 2050. It is a breath of fresh air to see USU Dining Services making sustainable decisions, but with their value of continuous improvement and also USU’s commitment to being carbon neutral by 2050, it is important to continually push forward in further sustainable practices. 

Taking inspiration from Dining Services past sustainability projects, we plan to implement a marketing campaign, pledge, and incentive to boost awareness and action to bring your own reusable cups to dining locations. While the option to bring your own cups is currently available to Dining Services customers, this information is not well known. We plan to work with Dining Services to update their current website to highlight their sustainable goals and options. This will include a link to a pledge, where students, staff, and locals can pledge to bring their own reusables to dining locations, including those on Utah State’s campus. We also hope to create an incentive for students to begin their sustainability journey. A free drink or sticker will be offered to students when they bring their reusable cups to USU dining locations for the first time. Other marketing materials such as posters will be posted around campus and dining locations to continue to boost awareness of the initiative and the pledge. 

Many Utah State University students are already doing their part to reduce waste, how can you join them? Consider bringing a reusable beverage container next time you are visiting any USU dining services location. Remember, if you bring your own container you are only charged for a refill. You can help Utah State University be a more sustainable place, and save money at the same time.

This letter to the editor was submitted by Regan Luke, Colton Fetzer,  Ava Gotchy and Nate Strain for their class, ENVS 4700 Communicating Sustainability.

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