Letter to the Editor: Bill threatens dreams of higher education

Dear Editor:

As a struggling student, with no help from my parents, student loans and Pell Grants have guaranteed my dream to obtain a higher education.  At the moment, my dream is being threatened by Congress and a bill that will ultimately harm struggling students.  H.R. 609, which should come to vote in December, is devastating to college students at USU and throughout the nation.  The bill will freeze the cap on Pell Grants award money, and raise the cap on Student Loan interest rates to 8.25 percent, repealing a current law that is set to lower interest rates to 6.8 percent in 2006. The bill, if enacted, will cost an average student with $17,500 in loans, an additional $5,800 in interest payments. I urge all Utah State students to write, call, or email their Senators and Representatives and ask that he or she not support H.R. 609 or any legislation that dissuades our aspirations for a higher education. This bill will only hurt the millions of us who rely on loans to obtain the education that is vitally important in today’s job market.

Cameron Brenchley

Editor’s note: Since this letter was submitted, HR 609 was passed by the House and is waiting for approval.