Letter to the editor: ISIS

ISIS was a popular fertility Goddess in ancient Egyptian mythology. Her followers worshiped ISIS as the protector of the dead and also as the divine mother in the Middle Eastern area around 2300 B.C. Today, the Islamic State, ISIS (ISIL) in The Middle East is led by Caliph, Kalif, Baghadii; the Chief. Spiritual and civilian head of a Muslim State, a sucessor to Mohammed and always a male.

Caliph was a title taken 13 times by the sultans of Turkey, which was abolished there in 1923. Under ISIS’s Five Pillars of Islam, number one is (Shahadah), kill non-believers wherever they are; in a religious war of Muslims against the enemies of their faith, in an end of the age war.

Was the “Armenian Genocide” a Jihad by radicalized Islam, a religion of peace?

—William Wulforst

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  1. mehmet

    i saw this writing by chance, I wanted to add some corrections, and I have no idea about how you made connections between Caliph and ISIS and came to the issue between Armenian and Turkey.

    Caliph was a title taken 13 times by the sultans of Turkey ( the sultans of Ottoman Empires, not Turkey)
    Also, you called the issue/Question as a genocide based on what?

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