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Letter to the Editor: Prodigy Brewing: Logan’s First Brewpub To Focus On Sustainability

Now, more than ever, prioritizing community and quality time with friends and family is of the utmost importance. Prodigy Brewing is providing the means for just that.

As the first Brewery in Cache Valley, Prodigy is supplying our community with beer, food, and a fun environment to bring people together. Prodigy Brewing, projected to open later this year, will be located on Center Street and will include an outdoor patio, live music, and a menu of “upscale pub fare.” Kristen and Jason Smith, the owners of Prodigy, aim to promote the importance of community and friendship and are excited to share their love of brewing with the people of Cache Valley. The Smiths are also striving to implement sustainable practices into their business to better their community in more than one way.

The Head Chef at Prodigy, Dustin Kirby, and its owners have accepted an offer to work with a group of students in a class on communicating sustainability in the College of Natural Resources at Utah State University. The focus with this cooperative experience is to implement composting within the owners’ business operations. As Prodigy Brewing seeks to provide both quality beverages and quality food options, there is bound to be an abundance of food scraps that can be composted, rather than sent to the local landfill.

Composting is fairly easy to implement compared to other sustainable practices, and it helps the amount of food waste significantly decrease. A study done by UC Berkeley found that, “74% of an average restaurant’s waste stream is compostable material” (2001). With food waste being a big issue in our world, composting is a great start to the work that needs to be done. The class group and Prodigy Brewing are hoping to work with Cache Valley Compost to receive their qualified composting services. Dustin Kirby has experience composting at previous restaurants and is committed to training Prodigy’s employees to compost.

Prodigy Brewing will be the first of their kind, beyond being the first brewpub in Logan, thanks to their pledge to sustainability. New businesses opening in Logan now have a company they can look to for guidance on implementing sustainable practices.

Prodigy is excited to share their crafted beer and locally sourced food with the community of Logan and hopes their efforts for sustainability will encourage others to do the same. Can’t wait to see you at the opening!

This letter to the editor was submitted by Spencer O’Harra, Sierra Smith, Russell Case and Karina Houser for their communicating sustainability class.

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