Mitt Romney

Letter to the Editor: Supporting Mitt Romney

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To the editor:

As many already know, Mitt Romney and Mike Kennedy had a very close race at the Utah Republican Convention on Saturday, April 21. Since Utah Republicans will have the opportunity to vote for one or the other in June, I want to share my thoughts of this race.

Some don’t want Mitt Romney to become senator because he has not lived in Utah long enough. I understand how this may be a concern among many Utah voters. However, let’s remember that the QUALITY (the values, knowledge, experience, social network, and ability to lead) of the candidate is something that deserves more consideration than the candidate’s origins or previous residence. Mitt Romney is by far the highest-quality candidate we can have for the senate, which is why it’s necessary we vote for him.

There is also the concern among some Republican Utahns that Mitt Romney will not get along with President Trump. The truth is that Romney gets along with the president very well now, has supported the president’s many conservative policies, and has even received President Trump’s endorsement without even asking for it. There is no doubt that they will work hand-in-hand to pass more conservative legislation.

Because of his famous name, Mitt Romney will be able to accomplish things much more effectively than any other average senator we could possibly elect. Romney has many social ties established with fellow Republican senators in Washington and he will have the ability to LEAD (not follow) them on conservative agendas more than any other senator we could elect from Utah. Mike Kennedy may be a fine conservative with some of the same beliefs as Romney, but because of the lack of his social connections at the national level, he would be looked down upon as a “podunk” senator who nobody knows. Nobody in Washington would respect his ideas or opinions like they would for Romney. We must elect a power-house to represent us in Washington, and Mitt Romney will be that power-house.

Because it is such a close race, Romney supporters need to take a couple minutes out of their busy schedules to vote for Mitt Romney in the primaries in June. It will be the best thing that we can do for our state and for our country right now, since this is a critical time to preserve the conservative values of our country.

Jeff Chipman

Jeffrey Chipman is a senior in the Nutrition Science program and a premed student. He grew up in Cache County, served a mission in Argentina, and is currently a medic for the Army National Guard. He likes to run, ski in the winter, and mountain bike in the summer.

There are 4 comments

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  1. Jean

    Well said! I truly hope the residents of Utah will support this fine man! They will not be disappointed. He truly represents not only Utah’s values but many across this great nation! God bless Mitt Romney as he seeks to serve. He is an example to us all to do what is right and be unafraid, even amongst much ridicule from others who can’t see that his only motivation is love of country!! I pray he wins!!

  2. Janey Wright

    I agree with the writer of this letter! I have been thinking the same thing. Mitt Romney is a good and honest person with strong values and principles. He shall be a great senator and leader!

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