Old Main Opinion

Letter to the Editor: The Micromobility Movement

If you talk to any student on campus, they will tell you how the parking crisis at Utah State University is getting worse every year. However, a growing number of students have found a convenient, affordable alternative to owning a car in Logan, and that is using micromobility devices. These are personal, lightweight devices that are much more sustainable and convenient than driving a car! They include skateboards, e-bikes, scooters, roller skates, and bikes; all of which travel at less than 20 mph. With how common these devices are becoming, especially with the younger generations, it’s hard to believe how outdated Logan City and Utah State University’s ordinances are surrounding the use of these devices. 

The Logan City Planning Department has been working hard the past few months to create a new and improved ordinance and implementation for these devices in Logan City. The proposed updates for the micromobility ordinance include stating current definitions of both micromobility devices and the infrastructure involved with them, and eliminating the requirement for metal license plates on all bikes and bike inspections. This would be replaced with a new and improved registration process that is free and can even  help assist in recovering any stolen property! Users of micromobility devices will still be subject to follow all traffic rules to ensure the safety of all community members on all roads, trails, and sidewalks. 

Utah State University is also working towards updating ordinances to fit more current trends with these devices. These policy changes will be taking effect in Fall 2022. This would allow for micromobility devices to be more welcomed around campus and used as an alternative to driving. More students using micromobility devices would lower emissions, help with limited parking around campus, and help with the terrible inversion that happens in Cache Valley. Although this updated ordinance is still in the works, we hope to see changes soon. Join the ever growing group of students saving money, and help to make our campus  a greener one!

Utah State University is continuing to encourage  the use of alternative transportation. Join Aggie Blue Bikes during USU’s annual Earth Week celebration to encourage just this! On Wednesday, April 20th from 7:30-9:30 am, bike up  to Aggie Blue Bikes and enjoy a free breakfast catered by USU Dining Services celebrating you and others using alternative transportation.

This letter to the editor was submitted by Kiersten McDonald, Kalli Hull and Ashley Nielsen for their class, ENVS 4700, Communicating Sustainability.

*Letters to the editor can be hand-delivered or mailed to the USU Student Media office in TSC 118. They can also be emailed to opinion@usustatesman.com. For more information, visit usustatesman.com/letters-to-the-editor