LETTER: Today’s women not idiots


I have to admit, I pride myself on being one of the most open-minded “conservatives” I know. Pro gay rights, openly derisive of Bush and all for stem cell research. But when it comes to abortion, I’m not so liberal. I mean, I have a hard time believing that today’s woman is the complete idiot the left is portraying her as.

Did that catch your attention? Let me explain.

According to such “enlightened minds” as Cy Martz, to restrict abortions is to “punish women who have sex.” Wait a second. Are you telling me that women of today, whose great grandmothers fought for the right to vote, whose mothers burned their bras in protest, are too flighty to take a pill once a day? That they are too timid and weak to tell their man to wear a condom or to get lost? Are we to understand that ladies are so naive that they don’t realize that if they have sex without protection, that they could get pregnant? And that the only way to save women from their selves is to kill a child? Well, if that’s the case, it’s a good thing you have superior male intellects like Mr. Martz and myself around to run the world.

Now, before you try to blast me on rape, my stance agrees with the traditional “conservative” leaders, such as President Gordon B. Hinckley, (a man I greatly respect) and President George “Duh-beya” Bush. Abortion is unnecessary except in cases of rape, incest, to save the mother’s life or if the child has no chance of a life outside of the womb.

So don’t call me closed minded just because I think that women need to take responsibility for their sexual actions. Ladies, you can shag whom or what you want to shag, more power to you. But if left is correct and you really are too dim-witted to recognize that free-range sperm can cause pregnancy, and are too immature to take responsibility, well, back to the kitchen with you. Put on your corset and pearls, and make me some dinner.

Michael Jones