LETTER: Treat each other equally


People are so worked up on being equal they have completely missed the point. I think the Pride! Alliance should be allowed the same right to the front page of The Statesman as anyone else.

Have you ever been friends with someone who is a homosexual? Have you taken the time to treat them equally, or do you just see them as gay and keep going on with your life?

I have personally dealt with this in my very own family. My older brother is a homosexual and watching him struggle with this has not been easy or fun. He graduated from a very religious college in Utah, but could not wait to get out because of how horribly he was treated. People did not ever know him. All they knew was he was gay and did not want anything else to do with him because that MUST make him bad.

I say anything we can do to help these people is a plus even if it is something as little as giving them the front page of The Statesman or a day to have to themselves. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment and see how you would like it.

I found it all too ironic that in the same publication of The Statesman there was an excellent article on love. Rainer Marie Rilke was quoted saying: “For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of our tasks; the ultimate, the last test and proof; the work for which all other work is but preparation.”

I am not upset with people because of their ignorance, but I think we all know it is time to educate ourselves enough to realize everyone deserves to be treated equally and loved regardless of their sexual preference.

Lindsay Lyman