LETTER: U.N. seems a failure


Recently I was disturbed by an opinion piece by Leon D’Souza regarding the possible death of the United Nations. More shocking was the implication that such an occurrence would be the fault of President George W. Bush.

The security council didn’t need Bush’s help to lose credibility. They have been working on that for years. More often than not, U.S. soldiers have been stationed in forward areas to serve as peace keepers because the United Nations lacked the initiative to serve the purpose for which it was created (i.e. Mogadishu, Somalia 1992).

For the past 12 years, the United Nations has attempted in vain to disarm Iraq through diplomacy. If Bush continued to allow the United Nations to delay a legitimate course of action, nothing would have ever been accomplished, and Hussein would be allowed to retain his reign of tyranny.

If the United Nations was to “die,” what possible difference could it make? It has failed miserably to accomplish any of its original goals and manage only to be a stumbling block to world peace.

This country is incredibly blessed with an administration that possesses the courage to not be held hostage by so called “U.N. diplomacy.” The French should be so lucky.

God bless the commander in chief.

Jake Adkins