LETTER: Vote for something more than antics

Dear Editor,

While walking across campus my ears were assaulted with the sound of bagpipes. Now don’t get me wrong, I enjoy bagpipes. They just are not usually heard on campus. Then as I was walking into my class I saw someone preparing to mount what appeared to be stilts. For a brief moment my mind wandered as to why such strange occurrences were happening all around campus. Then I saw “mister stilts man” wearing a “vote for ___ ___” sticker. Yes, election season is upon us, and in full swing. The Statesman carries articles about the candidates and the current officers encouraging students to become informed voters. But wouldn’t it help the student population to take the election seriously if the candidates did? Is the election to be decided only by who is the most ridiculous? Is this spectacle on the sidewalks how we are to know the candidates? There are few ways to become acquainted with the candidates. All that most of us see are blonde-haired girls assaulting us on the sidewalk saying, “Will you vote for ___ ___ (hee, hee, hee, giggle, giggle).” However, if a candidate walked up, asked what I care about and offered solutions to my concerns, then they would have my vote. If you want to get our attention, great, but do it in a manner that portrays what you stand for and how you can improve USU. While civic elections have the same excitement and craziness, at least the craziness deals with the candidates’ platforms. Are these the people who are going to be representing the students? Are they going to help decide future directions for the university? Forgive me for being dismayed if this is the best the university has to offer. Are the students really supposed to believe that just because you can dress up in a chicken suit or run around in capes that you will make a good leader? ASUSU members have serious responsibilities for the university and the student body. I will not be voting based on these ridiculous antics. I will, however, recommend you for “Stupid Human” tricks on the “Late Show.”

Tennille Flint