LETTER: What does it take for a story?

Nate Parry

To the editor:

There have been two recent front page articles regarding a student involved in a hit and run accident. While I am in no way minimizing the pain and suffering of this Ms. Sharp, I am surprised that this merited two front page stories. Last November, a student was hit by a driver while walking through the parking lot adjacent to Aggie Ice Cream shortly before noon. The driver left the scene and no information was ever obtained from him. No limbs were broken, but the victim did incur medical bills totaling more than $4000, months of physical therapy and pain that continues to this day. The only mention of this in the Statesman was a small blurb in the Police Blotter. The driver never came forward. If it takes a broken leg to have some justice done, perhaps it would have been better if the student had received more severe injuries. This incident is on record with the campus police.

Nate Parry