LETTER: Where are the real fans?


It’s time for Utah State University fans to step it up and start acting like fans from a real college. For the second year in a row we lost to UC Irvine at home, last time on ESPN and ending the NCAA’s second-longest, home winning streak.

I have no doubt our basketball team did what they could down the line, but when their own “loyal” fans cheer louder for a stupid free T-shirt from the cheerleaders than they do the other 90 percent of the game.

That is just pathetic.

Hats off to Stew Morrill for trying to get our fans — yes that’s you non-students as well — to wear all blue. He obviously has seen other schools’ fans who actually sport their schools’ colors rather than try and look like a model at a fashion show.

Have you ever seen fans from a school called the University of Utah? They actually LOOK like fans — they wear red.

Aggie “fans,” do you really want to help your team win?

One point, that’s all we lost by, one point. So when the other team has the ball and we are on defense, even if it is the first half and haven’t seen the person you are sitting next to for 10 years, cheer like it’s your last game, and help us get those early-game points that make a difference at the end.

One point is what we lost by Thursday night. Make noise in the first half and make the Anteaters miss ONE shot because we are so loud, and we would have won the game and earned the respect that our basketball team deserves.

Let’s see who the REAL Aggie fans are on March 1 against Idaho. Raise the bar Aggie fans. Represent!

Kevin Ten Eyck