LETTER: Why I did Doug Thompson

Dear Editor,

I want to take just a minute and talk to you about my dad. My dad is “We Dig Doug,” Doug Thompson and as I hope all of you know, he is running for re-election on Tuesday, Nov. 6.

Four years ago when he was elected mayor, Logan was a lot different than it is today. Thanks to my dad you now have more job opportunities such as Home Depot, Lowe’s and soon-to-be Sam’s Club.

He has brought better recreation and entertainment to Logan through the new skate park, aquatic center and new stadium seating theaters (coming soon to a street near you).

And while all these big changes are going on, Doug is still concerned about the environment, making curbside recycling common place in Logan. He has even set up a neighborhood council meeting for Utah State University so your thoughts and ideas can be heard at your convenience.

Doug is an honest, hard-working man who is truly interested in what you have to say, this is why he reads The Utah Statesmen every week. Simply to know what great input you as college students and citizens of Logan have to say.

Doug sincerely loves to help Logan be a better place. I wish you all could see how excited he gets when something good happens for Logan, it’s almost like watching a little kid on Christmas morning. Trust me; I know first hand how well he will serve you for the next four years. Without your vote nothing can happen, so get out and vote on Tuesday, no vote, no voice.

Katey Thompson